Question - Answer
What is the procedure for concluding the investment agreement?
Conclusion of investment agreement is regulated by norms of the Presidential Decree № 10 dated August 6, 2009 "On creation of additional conditions for making investments in Belarus.
The investment agreement is concluded on the basis of decision of
republican body of state administration, other state organization subordinated to the Government of the Republic of Belarus, Administration of Affairs of the President of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter, unless otherwise provided for, - state body), regional (Minsk city) executive committee (hereinafter, unless otherwise provided for, - executive committee), if such investment agreement does not provide for granting additional benefits and (or) preferences to investor (investors) and/or organization, implementing investment project* (hereinafter - organization),
Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus in coordination with the President of the Republic of Belarus, if such investment agreement provides granting of benefits and/or preferences not established by the present Decree, other legislative acts to investor (investors) and (or) organization. Such decision of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus shall determine the state body or executive committee authorized to sign such investment agreement, as well as, if necessary, the procedure for confirmation of the right to apply such benefits and (or) preferences.