To help the investor
Preferential crediting of small business entities
Small business entities have the opportunity to receive state financial support from the funds provided by the State program "Small and Medium Entrepreneurship in the Republic of Belarus" for 2016-2020, in the form of preferential credit on the terms defined by Presidential Decree № 255 of May 21, 2009. To receive state financial support for small businesses in Grodno region should apply to the regional and regional branches:
JSC "Belarusbank" Savings Bank
JSC "BPS-Sberbank
JSC "Belagroprombank"
Organizations, which should be applied for state financial support:
The Belarusian Fund for Financial Support of Entrepreneurs
Address: 220000, Minsk, Serafimovicha str. 11, room 203, tel. 11 Serafimovich St., room 203, tel. +375(17) 298-37-26, 298-35-54, fax 230-39-53, 230-81-91
Department of Business of the Grodno Regional Executive Committee
Address: 230023, Grodno, Ozheshko street, 3, block 413, tel. +375(152) 735679, tel./fax 735675
Grodno Regional Institution for Financial Support of Entrepreneurs
Address: 8 Mickiewicza St., Grodno, 230023, Grodno, tel. +375(152) 621633, 621632